Unfortunately vinyl sheet flooring manufactured with an asbestos backing poses a serious exposure risk when it is disturbed.
Identify asbestos vinyl sheet flooring pictures.
Always test for asbestos fibers before removing any older vinyl sheeting.
A vinyl sheet flooring that looks like the above has a high chance of asbestos.
As with any asbestos containing material acm the first step to finding asbestos in linoleum sheet flooring and vinyl tiles is.
Mastic is a type of glue used to adhere tiles and vinyl flooring to the subfloor.
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But before about 1978 in products that looked like this same material asbestos fibers were used as a strengthen material on vinyl sheet flooring backing.
This article describes sheet flooring products known to contain significant levels of asbestos.
Like floor tiles vinyl sheet flooring is a long lasting and economical material and it also offers more aesthetic options to suit a homeowner s taste.
Possible signs of asbestos mastic include discoloration and an oily texture.
If your building was built before 1980 mastic mixed with asbestos may have been used to seal your tiles to the floor.
If black tar is adhering to the vinyl it is almost a 100 asbestos containing fiber product.